Our Impact

Virginia Women’s Voices advances gender, racial, and economic justice by amplifying the voices and ideas of women and girls. Through our collective empowerment, we ignite change.

Impact Areas


In partnership with academic institutions and community partners, we research the status of women and girls across the Commonwealth and share community programs, interventions, and policy opportunities that advance equity and justice.


We aim to hurry history and ensure equitable representation and inclusion in student government, city, county, and state offices by training women and girls to lead and engage in decision making bodies. When women and girls run for office, everyone wins.


We register, inform, and mobilize voters and promote issues and candidates that advance gender, racial, and economic justice.


Our advocacy team of staff, coalition partners, and volunteer advocacy corps members educate and advocate for policies that advance gender, racial, and economic justice and serve as a resource for news outlets, government agencies, and the wider community to hear, see, and amplify the voices of women and girls in policy development and social change.